On Sunday I met Neil Gaiman. Not quite “hanging” with him, but I did get up early-ish to get in line for a signature from him. I thought I was early, but some peeps had actually been there since 7 in the morning. And to be honest with you, I wish I had been there earlier (even though I was among the 20 first in line, arriving several hours before the signing started). The thing is, even though it was raining and all that, I had a great time. Met some cool people, and the time seemed to fly.
When Mr Gaiman arrived at Outland, we were in for a real treat: He started the session by reading to us from his book Fortunately the Milk! I read this book at the start of the year, and it was a fun read, but hearing Mr Gaiman read out loud from it himself, was really something special. He has such an excellent voice for readings!
I got one of my copies of Neverwhere signed, as well as the Norwegian translation of Fortunately the Milk! As for the latter one, I am thinking of giving it to someone as a gift. I haven’t quite decided yet. Anyhow, even though I forgot to tell Mr Gaiman my name for the Neverwhere signature, I got a fun signature. You can see the photo below. Neverwhere has been my favourite book for 15-20 years, and I used to have a really nice paperback copy of it. Unfortunately, I lent it to someone, and never got it back. The copy I got signed is a hardback copy, and actually a first edition published by Avon Books in 1997.
I have posted a photo of my signed book, as well as a photo of Mr Gaiman signing books at the end of this blog post. But before that, I have a video clip of Neil Gaiman, reading from Fortunately the Milk! at Outland, Oslo (Norway), 25 May 2014. Recorded by yours truly, and with the permission of Neil Gaiman.

Mr Gaiman signing books at Outland, Oslo.

My signature from Mr Gaiman.
Ikke misunnelig i DET HELE TATT. *hrmf*